Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is responsible for the policies and fiscal oversight of Live Oak Charter School. The Board conducts strategic planning to meet the goals and mission of Live Oak Charter. Members are appointed by the board and serve for terms of 2-3 years. Live Oak is governed in accordance with California Education Code, Brown Act provisions, and best practices for public meetings.
The Live Oak Board meets monthly. Please view the Calendar for upcoming Board and Committee meetings. The Board encourages public attendance and comment on matters before the school and community. Guests intending to provide public comment should inform the board of their interest at the start of the meeting. Public comment will be limited to a reasonable duration to ensure that the Board is able to cover its full agenda.
Attend a Board Meeting via Zoom:
Click on "Meeting Documents" (below) then click on "Agenda" to get the zoom link.
Attend a Board Meeting in Person:
Arrive 5:45 on campus. Meeting starts 6:00 PM in the Handwork Room. Please check Calendar in case the meeting is moved.
The Live Oak Board meets monthly. Please view the Calendar for upcoming Board and Committee meetings. The Board encourages public attendance and comment on matters before the school and community. Guests intending to provide public comment should inform the board of their interest at the start of the meeting. Public comment will be limited to a reasonable duration to ensure that the Board is able to cover its full agenda.
Attend a Board Meeting via Zoom:
Click on "Meeting Documents" (below) then click on "Agenda" to get the zoom link.
Attend a Board Meeting in Person:
Arrive 5:45 on campus. Meeting starts 6:00 PM in the Handwork Room. Please check Calendar in case the meeting is moved.