Welcome to the Community
Happy SummerWe are thrilled you have chosen Live Oak for the educational journey of your child, and for the parenting journey we will take together.
Whether you have a young one coming to school for the very first time or an older student transferring in, we know there may be some nervous jitters and/or excitement so we want to make ourselves available to support you through this transition. Below you will find info on how to contact us during the summer, facility updates and an invitation to Waldorf practice. |
Welcome from Kristin Walter, parent & board member (45 sec)
Summer Contact
- If you have any questions, our enrollment coordinator Denise is largely available to you throughout the summer [email protected]
- In July, the school and Parentsquare will be closed for updates. That said, a small staff will be onsite. If something should come up, please don’t hesitate to contact our director, Dr. Linda Delgado [email protected] or stop by.
- Enjoy a playdate with your class.
Facility Update
As you may have heard on our school tour, after 18 years on the Fairgrounds property we have a new landlord in the City of Petaluma (as of January 2024.) We are glad to report, this has been a significant upgrade. We also have some exciting opportunities coming our way as we explore partnering with Petaluma City Schools to bring Waldorf education to even more families. Depending on how negotiations evolve over the summer, this would happen for the 2025/26 or 2026/27 school year.
As a community-held school, it is essential that our families be aware of our ongoing process & the decisions made by our school board to ensure that an outstanding public Waldorf education remains in Petaluma for many years to come. Here are 3 ways to stay informed:
As a community-held school, it is essential that our families be aware of our ongoing process & the decisions made by our school board to ensure that an outstanding public Waldorf education remains in Petaluma for many years to come. Here are 3 ways to stay informed:
- Read about our process: Community Folder
- Attend a summer Board Meeting. Dates can be found on the front page of the website and on the school calendar. Login, agenda and minutes (past & present) can be found on the Board page of the website.
- Save the Date for the annual in-person School Orientation: Thursday, August 22nd in the evening (time/place sent out in August.) View past Town Hall here
Waldorf Practice for July
For many, summer break offers a natural out-breath after a long school year of concentrated focus and learning. From the perspective of Waldorf education, children need this balance of in-breath and out-breath to create a healthy rhythm in their lives. Out-breath activities such as art making, nature walks, water play, singing, playing an instrument, gardening and free play outdoors can be alternated with in-breath activities such as storytime, handwork, drinking warm tea, and resting in the shade. Depending on your child's age, families may want to practice alternating in-breath and out-breath activities to see what they discover for themselves.
Why Practice: The truth is, most adults have not received this style of inside-out, early education. Practicing together in simple ways offers us the opportunity to strengthen the roots & fruits of the entire learning community and beyond. Quality playtime nourishes the whole - head, heart and hands.
Again, we are grateful you are here. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out. Otherwise, we will be contacting you in early August with all the dates and details about the upcoming school year.
EnJoy the summer & Go Dragons!
Live Oak Charter Community
Why Practice: The truth is, most adults have not received this style of inside-out, early education. Practicing together in simple ways offers us the opportunity to strengthen the roots & fruits of the entire learning community and beyond. Quality playtime nourishes the whole - head, heart and hands.
Again, we are grateful you are here. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out. Otherwise, we will be contacting you in early August with all the dates and details about the upcoming school year.
EnJoy the summer & Go Dragons!
Live Oak Charter Community